Elizabeth Coalition to House the Homeless is dedicated to serving the unhoused and housing insecure of Union County and advocating for policy changes at all levels of government for access to safe and affordable housing.
There’s no quick fix, but we are in it for the long haul – working with individuals and families to address gaps and help solve some of the underlying causes of homelessness.
It's a time to remember our neighbors homeless individuals and families who we were able to help because of YOUR generosity. So far this year we were able to help 2,167 families in need and provided 1,888 nights of hotel stay for individual and families. This have been very impactful in the lives of our homeless brothers and sisters who are living doubled up or on the streets of Union County.
YOU Helped to Make This Possible
As a nonprofit organization, we rely on gifts from friends like you! Can we count on YOU for a special year end charitable donation to help a family who may have to choose during this season between rent and feeding their family?
Our goal is to continue to provide rental assistance and housing for these families by raising $150,000.
Landlord/Tenant Eviction Court Mandatory Settlement Conferences from our partners at
Legal Services of New Jersey.
Conferencias Obligatorias Para La Conciliación del Desalojo proveidas por nuestros socios en
Legal Services of New Jersey.